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Boss – How was made the poster. By Eugen Erhan

De Graphic Front| 12 Aprilie, 2023 | Categorie: graphic design | Vizualizări: 562

The job
The film tells a character-driven story, zeroing in on one of four gangsters involved in a major heist. Bogdan Mirică's narrative sharply dissects this character's mind in real time, as events unfold, capturing his emotions and exposing his inner meltdown.

Early ideas & attempts
I started with a myriad of different ideas: a bunch of collage comps and typography-driven solutions. Then it all naturally glided towards deconstruction: "let's break the character into small shards, let's twist his image, let's smudge and distort actor Laurențiu Bănescu's face till it sings." It was fun to play with photo manipulation. Also, it kinda worked, because there were excellent photos to work with. But this was supposed to be a poster, not a painting, or a diagram of the story. It had to be simple and easily recognizable.

Ideally, it had to leave you, the viewer (at least a little bit) intrigued.

The concept
One way to look at this character is through his inner conflicts. Show the opposing sides of the same (tormented) mind. 

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Graphic Front
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