927 Articole

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Call for Entries now open! Enter by 13th February 2024 for your chance to be seen and celebrated.

De Difuzor GF| 15 Ianuarie, 2024 | Categorie: ilustrație | Vizualizări: 599

Call for Entries now open!
The World Illustration Awards, presented by the AOI in partnership with the Directory of Illustration, showcase great work being made by illustrators all over the world today. Enter by 13th February 2024 for your chance to be seen and celebrated. Take advantage of our early bird discount to save 10% – 30% on entry fees!

What could I win?
WIA rewards excellence, offering cash prizes to our overall winners, plus a range of valuable benefits to our category winners, shortlist, and longlist.

1 Overall Professional Winner (Cash Prize of £2000)
1 Overall New Talent Winner (Cash Prize of £1000)
4 Cross Category Winners (Various Prizes)
20 Category Winners (one New Talent and one Professional per category)
20 Highly Commended Projects (one New Talent and one Professional per category)
200 Shortlisted Projects 500 Longlisted Projects

Everything u need to know to aplly

Illustration awards The Association of Illustrators

Despre autor

Difuzor GF
Material furnizat de prietenii sau partenerii noștri (Radio România Cultural, Fundația Cărturești, One World Romania, Zeppelin, Igloo media, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național al Dansului, Graphicart-News, Asociația Ephemair, Poster Jam, Editura Cartea Copiilor, Editura Frontiera) sau provenind din arhiva Graphic Front, biblioteca Atelierului de grafică, sau alte surse. (menționate de fiecare dată la sfârșitul articolului)
Dacă dorești să distribui o informație din zonele noastre de interes, scrie-ne la adresa hello@atelieruldegrafica.ro