Creative paper in the digital age – by 12 iconic designers. Distributed by Antalis.
Choosing paper is a creative act
"Staring at blank piece paper is like gazing in a crystal ball. The potential for magic is palpabil. You can almost touch it. The series of notebooks were conceived to reveal the many ways paper can bring out the latent beauty of things, particularly in our digital age when the tactile dimension of visual communication is sorely challenged" (...)
( Véronique Vienne - editor)
Gifted to our studio by Antalis - Romania
Thanks to Loredana Bostacă
Foto Graphic Front
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Graphic Front semnează articolele care nu pot fi atribuite neapărat unei persoane din atelierul nostru. Asta înseamnă, fie că sunt lucrate de cineva de la noi, fie că e un material preluat de la invitații sau colaboratorii noștri.
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