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GRAnDE Festival. A doua ediție, 3-5 Aprilie, Castelfranco Veneto, Italia.

De Difuzor GF| 05 Februarie, 2020 | Categorie: graphic design afiș | Vizualizări: 1449

GRAnDE Festival este un festival dedicat graphic designului. A doua ediție se va desfășura în perioada 3 – 5 Aprilie la Castelfranco Veneto, Italia. Tema din acest an este Transparența.
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DEADLINE 15th of March 2020


GRAnDE Association promotes the design of visual communication, a tool that, through the image, creates identity, orients opinions, enhances territories, institutions, companies.
Each edition of the festival addresses a significant theme through various forms of graphic design.
The theme of this edition is TRANSPARENCY.

Your works has been directly invited among 50 international artists.
Other 50 posters will be selected as finalists from an open call competition, with an international jury of design professionals,
100 posters will be printed locally and exhibited in the historic and monumental building of the Torre Civica of Castelfranco Veneto.
Every participant will receive a Certificate.

GRAnDE is a festival dedicated to GRAphic DEsign which will held in Castelfranco Veneto (Treviso, Italy) from 3 to 5 April 2020 with free admission. The event will take place over three days of: paid workshops and talks held by GRAphic DEsign professionals, competitions, meetings, exhibitions and shows which will remain open for a month after the inauguration.

A workshop will follow, among many others, together with renowned design teachers and professionals, which will deal with deepening these points:
• the history and function of the manifesto in society;
• analysis of the finalist posters on display at the festival;
• sharing of useful addresses, exhibitions / events / festivals / contests in the world, designers and associations;
• bases and guidelines for designing a poster.

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pagina de FB a evenimentului


grande festival grafica italia

Despre autor

Difuzor GF
Material furnizat de prietenii sau partenerii noștri (Radio România Cultural, Fundația Cărturești, One World Romania, Zeppelin, Igloo media, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național al Dansului, Graphicart-News, Asociația Ephemair, Poster Jam, Editura Cartea Copiilor, Editura Frontiera) sau provenind din arhiva Graphic Front, biblioteca Atelierului de grafică, sau alte surse. (menționate de fiecare dată la sfârșitul articolului)
Dacă dorești să distribui o informație din zonele noastre de interes, scrie-ne la adresa hello@atelieruldegrafica.ro