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New font on MyFonts – Causten Round @ Monthly GF Font Recommendation

De Graphic Front| 06 Februarie, 2021 | Categorie: graphic design | Vizualizări: 837

Causten Round is a geometric sans serif font family with round corners and maintains rationality in designing each form. With use the sharpness of the eyes, and remain logical, so that balance is maintained in each form. So, it will get a clean, neat, and perfect shape.

Causten Round comes with 9 weights and a matching oblique, making it 18 styles. It makes it perfect for all creative projects. Also, some alternative glyphs will be an attractive choice.

Designers Bagas Ardiatma

Publisher Trustha

MyFonts debut Jan 13, 2021

All about it here on MyFonts

Causten Round GF Font Recommendation

Despre autor

Graphic Front
Graphic Front semnează articolele care nu pot fi atribuite neapărat unei persoane din atelierul nostru. Asta înseamnă, fie că sunt lucrate de cineva de la noi, fie că e un material preluat de la invitații sau colaboratorii noștri.