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The World After – A collection of posters in a book.

De Difuzor GF| 13 Iunie, 2021 | Categorie: graphic design afiș | Vizualizări: 1253

COVID-19 pandemic became one of the greatest health disasters in the last one hundred years. Crippled by this calamity the world changed in the blink of an eye. This publication is a collection of artworks from The World After poster call that shows a world as seen by the creatives. The posters in this book cover a wide range of topics from healthcare to human behavior and illustrate an amazing variety of techniques and artistic visions for the future of our planet.

This publication is a collection of artworks from The World After poster call that shows a world as seen by the creatives. Submitted posters cover a wide range of topics from healthcare to human behavior and illustrate an amazing variety of techniques and artistic visions for the future of our planet.
This book explores contemporary tendencies of modern poster design by looking at The World After poster collection and analyzing the artworks' color palettes, stylistic approaches, and visual narratives.

Language English

Softcover + flap 128 pages

Dimensions 8 x 10 inch

Text © 2021 Olga Severina and Donna Jackson (page 8, 123)

Poster Territory Store here
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book design poster olga severina The World After covid-19

Despre autor

Difuzor GF
Material furnizat de prietenii sau partenerii noștri (Radio România Cultural, Fundația Cărturești, One World Romania, Zeppelin, Igloo media, Centrul Ceh, Centrul Național al Dansului, Graphicart-News, Asociația Ephemair, Poster Jam, Editura Cartea Copiilor, Editura Frontiera) sau provenind din arhiva Graphic Front, biblioteca Atelierului de grafică, sau alte surse. (menționate de fiecare dată la sfârșitul articolului)
Dacă dorești să distribui o informație din zonele noastre de interes, scrie-ne la adresa hello@atelieruldegrafica.ro